Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 6: Student-centered large classes and interactive PowerPoint

I have learned many new points related to techniques of teaching large classes and how to make the interactive PowerPoint to teach students. Furthermore, I did many tasks as well to make improvement in my learning.

Techniques of instructing large classes are important for teachers to know clearly in order to teach students well as the five points(reduction of coercion, active learner involvement, experience before interpretation, avoidance of oversimplification, the value of silence) suggested by Alan C.McLean. So teachers need to scrutinize those points carefully before starting teaching. However, I have ever learned some techniques by Rick Finnan and Donna Shaw. I could also understand the importance of collaboration, small group learning activities through the tactics: Think, Pair, Share.

For technology, I have learned how to  set up the presentation slides on the web.

I hope these points are important for my plan because I am considering of using the WebQuest, Edmodo, or Moodle for sovling my problems.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Loeurn,

    It sounds like you had a positive experience in week 6 and learned a lot from the weekly materials and readings. You've done a great job reflecting on all that you learned!

    I'm curious to know if you've decided which tool you will use for your final project. I hope you've made a decision because it's getting closer to the due date.

    I know that you will find success with whichever tool you decide to use.

